Notes: My Life Outside of Tech

A collection of essays I've written, illustrations I've made, and communities I've been apart of. There are also links to things written about me.

API Heritage Month 2021


Bringing our ‘authentic selves’ to work is not always easy, nor does it always feel safe. Which is why I am so grateful to the Box API ERG and my Product Design team who have been some of my biggest allies and avid supporters since I joined in July 2020.


Today, I led an educational and interactive workshop on the history and cultural significance of the Samoan ula, in honor of AAPIHM. Many of my teammates made it a point to attend; as well as leadership from across the org. If that's not community, I don't know what is!

Thank you to Amber Ahmed for encouraging me and giving me a platform. And a special shout out to Varun Parmar, Alan Chappell and Irina Issayeva for always making time.

Go here to view the presentation yourself!